Allergy Testing & Treatment
Atlanta #1 Allergy Doctors - The Atlanta Institute For ENT
Looking for an allergy center near you? The team at AI4ENT is known for fast and effective allergy treatments. Georgia has made's unfortunate list as one of the five worst states for allergies. Pollen, one of the biggest allergy offenders, thrives in our generally warm, humid climate. Goldenrod, clover and ragweed, oak, cedar, slippery elm, and pine trees are all prevalent in this area and produce a lot of pollen. Our subtropical climate also promotes mold-related allergens.
Allergy Testing
Allergy tests are used to determine the specific substances that cause an allergic reaction in an individual. They may also be used to determine if a group of symptoms is a true allergic reaction (involving antibodies and histamine release). Some food intolerances, in which there is an inability to digest a food because of lack of appropriate enzymes, mimic allergies. Certain drugs, such as aspirin, can cause allergy-like symptoms, but without the formation of antibodies or the release of histamine.
Allergy Treatment
There are three different types of allergy treatments: environmental elimination, suppression with medication and allergy shots. Environmental elimination is the best method of treatment. This may involve decreasing the level of allergens in your home or work environment, if possible. Sometimes certain types of food are to be avoided. However, sometimes this can be difficult if you are allergic to allergens that are widespread such as grass or trees. Saline washes of the nose can help remove inhaled allergens.
Sublingual Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a medical therapy which treats the cause of allergies by giving a patient small doses of what he or she is allergic to, which decreases sensitivity to the allergen and reduces allergic symptoms. Unlike injection immunotherapy, in which the allergic substance is administered as shots into the upper arm, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is given by dropping the substance under the tongue.
Outdoor and Indoor allergens
Atlanta Allergy Center - Atlanta Institute For ENT
No matter what type of allergy you may suffer from, it can be miserable. Simply stated, an allergy is an overreaction of the body's immune system to harmless substances either in the environment or that have been ingested. These substances are referred to as allergens. The body treats allergens as harmful invaders and tries to defend itself, resulting in symptoms that can range from annoying to significantly debilitating.
Common allergy symptoms include itchy or watery eyes, nasal and sinus congestion, headaches, sneezing, a scratchy throat, and hives. Less common, but more serious symptoms, include difficulty breathing, swelling (particularly in the face, throat, lips, and tongue in cases of food allergies), lightheadedness, dizziness, a rapid drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.
At the Atlanta Institute for ENT, we specialize in the management of all types of allergies. Our ear, nose, and throat specialists can evaluate your allergy symptoms and develop a tailored treatment plan to fit your particular needs.
We start with a review of your medical history and detailed account of your symptoms and a thorough physical examination, followed by allergy testing. Often times, when people first experience an allergic reaction, they aren't sure of what caused it. Usually, it takes an episode or two before the cause becomes clear. If it's not clear what caused the allergy, allergy testing is warranted to determine what is causing the allergic reactions.
To test for allergies, we use a skin test procedure called Intradermal Dilutional Testing. Using very fine needles, small amounts of the test antigen are injected into the upper arm. This results in a series of bumps which resemble mosquito bites. If the bumps increase in size after a short amount of time, this indicates an allergy. Test results will be evaluated in conjunction with your symptoms and response to medications, to confirm your diagnosis and guide your treatment plan.
Have you asked yourself, "How do I find an allergy doctor near me?"
If so, contact Atlanta's #1 allergy team at the Atlanta Institute For ENT.
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Allergy Testing & Treatment
Environmental Elimination
Three main types of allergy treatments are available. The least invasive remedy is environmental elimination: trying to avoid the triggers responsible for the symptoms. This is most effective for individuals suffering from pet or food allergies, but it is less likely to be successful for those allergic to dust mites, molds, and pollens. However, steps can be taken to reduce exposure environmental allergens, such as using a dehumidifier, limiting outdoor activities during peak pollen-producing times of the year, and buying allergy-proof bedding.
Medication is another effective form of therapy for allergies. Many exist in over-the-counter forms but some are prescription only. Types of medications that are effective at preventing and treating the symptoms of allergies include, antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants, eye drops and nasal sprays. They don’t cure allergies, but they can certainly reduce the severity of the symptoms and offer some relief.
The third type of allergy treatment is immunotherapy (allergy shots). During immunotherapy, small amounts of the allergen are introduced into the body, allowing it to build up a tolerance. The dose is gradually increased over time until a maintenance dosage is achieved. Patients often feel improvement in their symptoms after just a couple of months of treatment. However, treatment normally continues for several years, until complete immunity is achieved. The procedure is considered safe and effective and has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
Ask Dr. Sinha
What’s the bottom-line? You don’t need to let allergies take over your life. If you suffer from persistent or severe allergies and you live in the Atlanta area, we encourage you to call our office at 404-257-1589 to schedule a consultation. We will discuss the full range of treatment options with you, and treatment recommendations will be individualized for your particular case. Let us help you find the relief to your allergy symptoms so you can start enjoying life again.
Allergies Questions
What are
Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system. In people with allergies, harmless substances (peanuts, pollen, animal dander) are identified as a threat to the body by the immune system and cause an allergic reaction. Allergies come in different severities, from minor to life-threatening.
What Are
Common Sources of Allergies?
Common examples of allergies include medications, foods, latex, animal dander, pollen, and cleaning chemicals. In severe cases, allergies can cause anaphylactic and life-threatening reactions.
What is
Allergy Testing?
Allergy testing is done to identify the source of an allergic reaction. Allergy testing is done in our office, either by a skin test or a blood test. The results of the allergy testing will determine the cause of your allergy symptoms.
What is
Sublingual Immunotherapy?
Sublingual immunotherapy is a form of allergy treatment that involves exposing a person to a very small dose of their allergen. Over time, the body will become tolerant of the allergen, and the allergic reaction will decrease. This is only available for some allergen sources.
How Can an
ENT Specialist Help with my Allergies?
An ENT specialist can help to identify and treat your allergies. Consultation with an ENT specialist can help guide the next steps for treatment.
How Can I
Book an ENT Consultation for my Allergies?
To book a consultation appointment at our office for allergy-related concerns, please visit our website or call our Atlanta office at (404) 257-1589.
How Do I
Pick the Best ENT Specialist for my Allergies?
Selecting the best ENT doctor for your allergy needs is essential to ensure that you received the best care for your needs. Please read our 2021 Guide for Choosing the Best ENT Doctors in Atlanta for more information about choosing the right ENT surgeon.